Install Azure On-premises data gateway

Oguzhan YIGIT
Published by Oguzhan YIGIT
Category : Azure

In a previous post – Understanding Azure On-premises Data Gateway – I tried to explain how the Azure On-premises data gateway works. This post is the next step and shows how to install the On-premises data gateway


Consideration points before installing Azure On-premises Data Gateway

Before going ahead, you should consider :

  • Do no install the gateway on a laptop or computer that may be turned off or not connected to internet
  • Wireless connection might decrease the gateway performance
  • You can’t install the gateway on a domain controller


Download & Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway

To install the Azure On-premises Data Gateway, download and launch the installer following this link:

Click next on the first screen of the On-Premise Data Gateway installer.

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 1

Then accept the terms of use and privacy statement (of course you can read it before), choose the installation folder and click “Install” button.

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 2

Now wait until the Data Gateway is installed.

As Azure On-premises Data Gateway is now installed you should register it on Azure. When you are prompted, you should connect with your Azure account (school or work account).

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 3

Sign in with you Azure account. On the next screen choose “Register a new gateway on this computer” and click Next.

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 4


Now choose a name for your gateway and choose a recovery key – this key could be used to restore the gateway. Before going ahead make sure the region used to connect to the gateway is the region you want.

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 5

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 6

If it is not, click on the Change Region link, choose your region and click on the Done button.

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 7


Once region is chosen, click on the “Configure” button

Install Azure On-Premises Data Gateway - step 8


It’s now all done. Your Azure On-premises Data Gateway is installed and ready to use. Yes it is installed on premise but in order to use this Gateway in an Azure Service, you should create a connection to that Gateway. Now let focus on the connection gateway to create on Azure. Sign in Azure Portal and create a new Service.

Using the Gateway from Azure Portal

Connect to Azure portal and then choose “On-premises Data Gateways” on service list and click on Add on the new window. We will add a new gateway connection on the Azure side.

Configure Azure On-Premises Data Gateway sur Azure

Choose a name, the subscription and the resource group. For the location, you should use the same you have configured while installing the gateway on premise. Click on the “Create” button to create the connection.

Add a gateway connection on Azure

Connection is now ready to use. In the following picture, it is used in a Azure Logic Apps step.

Use the connection Gateway in Azure Logic App