SAS authentication in Azure API Management

Simon Emmanuel RIVAS
Category : Azure


In every API management tool, you must make a distinction between frontend authentication (or façade, ie: that exposed to the API consumers) and backend authentication (that exposed by the backend service). One the advantages of such a tool is its ability to decouple both levels of security, and by so doing abstract and hide the backend security for the API consumer.


Backend authentication can be managed in Azure API Management by using policies.

NOTE: as a very rough summary, policies are a scripting feature that enables us to customize and extend the way requests and responses are processed by APIM.

More information on policies here and on policy expression syntax there.

At the time this post is being written, available backend security policies are limited to:

  • Basic authentication
  • Certificates

Let’s see how to handle a third authentication mechanism: authentication with Shared Access Signature.


Shared Access Signature Authentication

What for: Concretely and in the context of APIM, to expose an Azure resource or service (an Azure Service Bus Queue fo the sake of this example) as a service and hide the security requirements at the same time.

Theory: a SAS is a security mechanism used to grant and delegate the access to an Azure resource without requiring to share the primary or secondary security keys of the owner account. It relies on:

  • On Azure side: a Shared Acces authorization rule, configured at the level of the targeted resource. It uses the following elements:
    • A key name
    • A key (primary and secondary): the encrypted representation of the key and the associated permissions.
  • On the consumer side: a SAS token (or signature), generated by encoding and encrypting a string containing (among other things) the resource URI, the SAS primary or secondary key and an expiry. This token is added in an HTTP header: Signature.

Detailed information is available here.



In order to create a policy, we first need to connect to the Publisher Portal or the APIM instance (NOTE : at the present time, Microsoft is migrating the Publisher and Developer portals features one by one in the standard Azure portal, so by the time you read this, you not even have to bother connecting to anything else than the Azure portal)


Creating properties

Let’s do things right from the beginning: instead of hard-coding the SAS authentication parameters, we’ll create properties that will contain the values for those parameters, which will allow us to isolate the authentication logic (the policy itself) from the configuration (the properties).

Properties are now accessible in preview in the Azure portal under Named Values (but they are still accessible in the Publisher portal in the Properties section):

To add a property, click Add:

Then fill in the following information (beware of the case for the property name: by default, the portal lowers the case of whatever you put in Display Name) for each property:

The properties that need to be created are:

  • Key : sbQueueKeyName
  • Value : sbQueueKeyValue. WARNING: it is a good idea to tick This is a secret box, which will thwart the curiosity of any observer.
  • URI : sbQueueURI, ie : https://<servicebusinstance><queueName>/messages


Creating the policy

Policies themselves are managed in the Publisher portal in the Policies section. Policies can be applied at 4 levels depending on the desired scope for the policy:

  • Instance: it is the most generic level. Everything configured here is applied to all APIs and methods managed in this APIM instance. To apply a policy at this level, simply do not select anything in the dropdown boxes.
  • Product: APIs of the APIM instance can be grouped inside of products. If a product is selected here, then the configured policies apply to all APIs under the selected product.
  • API : for a specific API
  • Operation : for a specific operation of a specific API

Whatever the level, all the following customizations are to be placed in the inbound section :

The solution is made of 3 parts :

1. Store the properties defined earlier in variables :

A variable can be defined by using the set-variable policy :

<set-variable name=”resourceUri” value=”{{sbQueueURI}}” />

<set-variable name=”sasKeyName” value=”{{sbQueueKeyName}}” />

<set-variable name=”sasKey” value=”{{sbQueueKeyValue}}” />

2. Add an HTTP header :

An HTTP header can be added by using the set-header policy. The one we are interested right now is Authorization.

This policy has an exists-action parameter that enables us to configure the behavior in the case the header already exists in the inbound request. In our case the client is not supposed to send this header, so we can simply overwrite it:

<set-header name=”Authorization” exists-action=”override”>



3. Add a script to calculate the header value:

The header value can be set by using an expression in the value element of the set-header policy.

The following script calculates the token based on the SAS authentication parameters. The value of the properties defined earlier are retrieved with the following instruction:

string myVariable = (string) context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(“<variablename>”);


The complete policy is as follows:

<set-header name=”Authorization” exists-action=”override”>


string resourceUri = (string) context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(“resourceUri”);

string sasKeyName = (string) context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(“sasKeyName”);

string sasKey = (string) context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault(“sasKey”);


//set the token lifespan

System.TimeSpan sinceEpoch = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1));

var expiry = System.Convert.ToString((int)sinceEpoch.TotalSeconds + 60); //1 minute


string stringToSign = System.Uri.EscapeDataString(resourceUri) + “\n” + expiry;

System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 hmac = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sasKey));

var signature = System.Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign)));


//format the sas token

var sasToken = String.Format(“SharedAccessSignature sr={0}&sig={1}&se={2}&skn={3}”,

System.Uri.EscapeDataString(resourceUri), System.Uri.EscapeDataString(signature), expiry, sasKeyName);


return sasToken;


Once everything is saved, we can test the API with a tool such as Postman. The response returned by APIM should be wonderful :

And the queue should contain a new message.


Real world scenario

This mechanism can typically be used to receive webhooks from an external system and store them in a Queue, thus decoupling the pure messaging mechanism from the processing of the hooks.

Nevertheless, don’t forget to pay attention to the façade security! In this scenario, you could leverage the following complementary mechanisms:

  • On the products the API is attached to in APIM, specify that a subscription is required (a very low level of security, but still better than nothing if you don’t want anyone to be able to send you webhooks)
  • Use the ip-filter policy (Restrict caller IP): allows or denies access to a specific IP or IP range
  • Use the rate-limit-by-key policy (Limit call rate by key): limits the call rate based on a key that can be set with the use of an expression (for example: based on the IP address)
  • Any other custom mechanism: for example by checking the validity of a signature contained in an HTTP header. This can be implemented with a choose / when / otherwise control policy and some code in an expression.